Friday, June 4, 2010

Guess Who Just Got Home?

Some of my buddies I served with in the U.S. Air Force, forwarded this video to me. It shows men coming home from the war ... and the response their families (especially the kids!) have to seeing them suddenly there!

You have "got" to watch this!

Do me a favor? Remember our men (and women) of the Armed Forces who are serving, both stateside and especially overseas, in harms way. Pray for them! Remember that God can, and will, bring them home safely ... if you believe!

- pastor rich -

(We will post a link for this on our church website for those who want to revisit it at a later time again)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Contact is going out ...

We are currently contacting folks that we "know of" who are gifted in music, and who we think might be interested in playing in our Praise & Worship Band! 

Please keep us in your prayers!  We want a group that is diversified, and who can help us to bring a crowd to a point of worship with the Father ...

Thank you for your support! 
Please forward the news of this search, if you know of someone ... 

- pastor rich -

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2013 - The Year We Make Contact!

We'll finally be there soon!  That's right, 2013!  And that means that will be the year we make a come-back and get the local ministry/church rolling!  We're in the process of completing the new incorporation paperwork, and reviewing the board members list.  We're also discussing where and what type of meetings we are going to have. 

Personally?  I'd like to set up a flatbed trailer stage out in the woods or some remote place and hold our services there!  It's do-able, and I know how to make it happen too!  We'll see ...  Nonetheless, we're working on a meeting place.  We'll keep you posted! 

Hey!  Don't forget to sign up for our eNewsletter!  It's a great way to stay up-to-date on what's going on!  Find the "Pardner Up!" icon on our church website and enter your email address to sign up ...